Mentions légales

Mentions Légales


**Éditeur ** est un site web, accessible par les utilisateurs à l’adresse URL suivante, édité par : Thierry Durbec
Si vous êtes une personne physique
Identité : Thierry Durbec
Numéro d’inscription : Consultant
Numéro de TVA intracommunautaire :
Adresse : 16 impasse de la Bouquière La Valentine
Téléphone : 06 35 49 30 13 Mail : Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

**Hébergeur **

Informations o2switch
Siret : 510 909 807 00032
RCS Clermont Ferrand
SAS au capital de 100 000€
Opérateur Télécom déclaré ARCEP
09/2989 – AS50474

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Des outils configurables et innovants

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Passionate Quality Manager in Healthcare: Championing Bottom-Up Operational Excellence

As a passionate quality manager in the healthcare sector, I have dedicated my career to developing and implementing bottom-up operational projects that enhance the quality of care. My expertise lies in fostering collaborative initiatives that empower teams on the ground, ensuring that tools, methods, and training programs are tailored to the specific needs of the healthcare environment.

By focusing on a bottom-up approach, I prioritize the involvement of all stakeholders—from caregivers to administrative staff—in the decision-making process. This approach not only improves the effectiveness of the implemented solutions but also encourages a sense of ownership and continuous improvement among the teams. My work centers around creating adaptable frameworks that ensure the highest standards of care while allowing for flexibility and innovation within the healthcare system.

With a passion for quality and a commitment to operational excellence, my goal is to contribute to a more responsive and person-centered healthcare system, where every project is rooted in practical, real-world applications that directly benefit patients and professionals alike


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